This is your night to explore the Ashton collection
Ashton is among the most revered premium cigar brands in the world. Their cigars are handmade in the legendary Tabacalera A. Fuente factory in the Dominican Republic from only the finest aged tobaccos and have been a perennial “Top 3” brand in the U.S. for more than thirty years.
The Fuente family’s uncompromising standards for taste, construction, and consistency has drawn consumers to their cigars for over a century. Their ability to embrace and absorb the production of Ashton while preserving an exceptional level of quality was unquestioned.
The Ashton portfolio consists of several now-iconic blends, including the original Ashton Classic, Ashton Aged Maduro, Ashton Cabinet, Ashton VSG, Ashton ESG, and more. It is a formula the company follows closely to this day, adhering to the tenets of brand building, longevity, and tradition.
Join Scott Cummings as he presents the great cigars of Ashton. He'll be here to guide you thru the line up to find the cigars that fit your taste. He'll have specials on cigars and swag that evening as well.
Thursday, Sept 19
Modicum Brewery